Sunday, March 21, 2010

MIA and a Fresh Start

Apparently I needed a break from blogging after Christmas...but I'm back! I have a bunch of new updates! My parents left just after Christmas and just before New Year's Eve. We had a really nice Christmas together.

Jennifer and I are still going to the gym regularly. We've been getting out 3-5 times each week. I started doing some weight training again followed up by cardio. I was doing legs on Mondays and upper body on Wednesdays. On Fridays Jenn and I go to BodyPump which is good for overall muscle endurance. After a couple of personal issues for both her and I, we ended up taking a week off from the gym. It seems like once week off really set me back - it felt like I had been away for a month! But that was a couple of weeks ago and we're now back on track.

I'm still not able to run because of my knees/shins but I've been doing a lot of cardio on the stationary bike. It's amazing how doing something regularly can give such great results. In the last couple of weeks of riding the bike, I managed to lose about 8 lbs. My goal is to lose another 15-25 before my 28th birthday. I think it's pretty reasonable considering that my birthday is in July :)

In other news, I am leaving CIC to start a new job on Monday. My last day was Wednesday since I took Thursday and Friday off as a transition/rest period for myself. I feel like I left that job in a good position. I left with positive relationships and I left the project with just about everything completed (from a business perspective). There will be a couple of people writing text to finish up and the rest of the work is mostly with stakeholders and partners.

I said towards the end of 2009 that 2010 was going to by my year for a lot of things - a fresh start! I feel like starting this new job is definitely a part of that. A new department means new opportunities to learn including a fresh e-mail inbox and computer drive (haha).

I'm spending the day relaxing today...getting ready for my new job on Monday. I'm thinking of walking over to Indigo to get a new planner to go along with my fresh start.

I'm also thinking less about dating and more about myself. I have certain goals I want to accomplish on my own: being successful with my new job and in my career, getting into the best shape for my body, getting more sleep, eating healthier foods and organizing as well as decorating my home. I'm well on my way these goals which is very encouraging to me. If I meet a great guy who compliments my life then I would be more than happy to get to know him. Otherwise, I will continue to build the life I want for myself and my own happiness.

When I do meet someone, I've figured out that the most important quality I'd like him to have is dependability. I'd like someone who has my back no matter what, someone who supports me and does what he says he's going to do. Obviously there is more to a relationship but I've learned through my experiences that this is what matters most to me.

Anyway, I'm happy to be back at blogging. I'll be keeping in touch more often :)

See you soon,


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