After work yesterday, I went to the gym with Jennifer (10th day in Dec). I was really looking forward to running! I hopped on a treadmill and started the Week One, Run Two session and had to stop about 10 minutes into the session because of the extreme pain/tightness in my shins and calves. Just when I thought I was making progress! I felt really discouraged last night stopping a third of the way in. Spending the rest of my time on the elliptical didn't feel very satisfying. Anyway, I think I might be dehydrated so my plan is to drink MUCH more water. I also plan to do some stretching before and after my runs and take more epsom salt baths. I hope that will help!
I'm just about ready to leave the office and I am feeling sooo drained! Thank goodness the work day is over!
I have a busy night ahead but I'll fill you in tomorrow.
P.S. I do have some exciting news - I weighed myself this morning and I've lost almost 10 pounds since I started going to the gym again! So happy!